Sunday 14 July 2013

My 3 Most Important Values & Why They Matter

I was recently asked how I would define my most important values. I feel that everyone has their own set of values and that they are all influenced by an individual's perception, the way they were raised, and what is truly important to their inner peace. Well, here is what I consider most important in my life:

Keeping a Clean House

Growing up, I was always taught to value a clean house. There is something to be said about keeping a clean house, and as much as it can prove to be a lot of work, it is rewarding and holds benefits. I've lived with plenty of people and had to deal with a lot of different values on cleaning. It was not surprising to see dishes not done by my roommates for a week or more at a time. As for myself, I pride myself on keeping my place tidy whenever possible, I even find myself cleaning other people's messes. Cleaning not only makes your abode look presentable, but it reduces anxiety, stress, and you get some exercise out of it! Have you seen Hoarders? That show induces so much anxiety in me, because I simply don't understand how someone can let themselves go so easily! Put in the elbow grease and it'll pay off!

If you can tell me that you don't mind the top picture below, and don't see much of a difference between the top and bottom. FYI: We won't work out well together.

Making Time for Yourself

I am a huge believer in "me" time. Everyone should appreciate the work they do and what they give back to the community. I love taking moments to appreciate my hard work, by doing, well....nothing! After a busy and hectic week, there is nothing I love more than carving out a few hours to do whatever the h*** I feel like doing! Usually this consists of buying junk food, watching my favourite movie or tv show, or some good old fashioned yoga and meditation.

So, if you find yourself working hard and never having time to your own thoughts, carve out that time and give yourself a pat on the back, YOU DESERVE IT!

"Honesty is the Best Policy"

This is not just a saying, honesty truly is the best policy. Nothing looks better on you than being your authentic self. For myself, I can read people like a book when I meet them. I know when someone is not being sincere. Being inauthentic or insincere leads to lying, which leads to stress, which leads to unhappiness. Life is too short to be anything but happy and you can't be happy stepping on egg shells your whole life! Just be yourself, and let yourself shine!

There you have it! Cleanliness, self-appreciation and honesty are my 3 most important values. What are yours?

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